CV2U Privacy Policies

CV2U provides a service that allows you, the user, to post personal and professional information to be viewed by potential employers. In our efforts to provide a safe, secure user experience, we have implemented a number of provisions relating to the security and privacy of your provides a service that allows you, the user, to post personal and professional information to be viewed by potential employers. In our efforts to provide a safe, secure user experience, we have implemented a number of provisions relating to the security and privacy of your information:

1. We do not sell, nor re-post or otherwise redistribute, any of your personal information, including your profile, CV and professional history.

2. The aim of is to provide you, the user, with an online forum in which to gain exposure to third-party employers. As such, only you allow third-party visitors and users to search the CVs that are posted on As such, you should be aware that any information you include in a posted CV will be visible and accessible to the users you permit.

3. We do not sell user data to third parties.

4. We use "cookies" to help personalize and maximize your online experience. A cookie is a user-specific text file that is put on your hard drive by a webpage server. Once on your computer's hard drive, a cookie will recall specific information (such as user name, password and other preferences). In your web browser preferences, You have the ability to deny the use of cookies. Be aware that opting not to use cookies will lead to a hindered user experience. 

5. As is expanded and developed, any material changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted here.

6. CV2U is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. The CV2U trademark is owned by Heanue, Thomas J. in Annville, PA, 17003. On Tuesday, August 21, 2007, a U.S. federal trademark registration was filed for CV2U. The USPTO has given the CV2U trademark serial number of 77260829. The current federal status of this trademark filing is CONTINUED USE AND INCONTESTABILITY ACCEPTED. The CV2U trademark is filed in the category of Advertising, Business & Retail Services . The description provided to the USPTO for CV2U is Providing an on-line searchable database featuring job applicant information, in the form of resumes and curriculum vitae, to employers.